Sunday, February 19

Skype world

It all hapened on a very usual day in my office. I had at that time recently upgraded my internet conection from an ordinary dial up to a DIAS(direct internet acess system) and was with the big boys, keeping my system online as long as i wanted. Somewhere along the way while surfing the net i came across this write up on "skype". It had mentioned that skype was real hot with stress on opportunities to speak to people from all over the world in comparision with other messengers which was more on the type chat thingy. It sounded like fun, calling up or chatting with lovelly girls from all over the world, getting to know their intimate details, giving free advice which is never registerd etc. All and all it all was a fun thing, nothing to be taken serious . And it was fun, on a normal day if you really sat on it, you could feel the world slowly opening up. Usually when you gave a search in the mornings there are Chinese, Malaysians, Philipino's, Vietnamese etc. As the day progresses you can slowlly see the Turkish, Latvians, serbians, British and finally by the evening the Americans. One thing is certain here, this world through a computer moniter is a very small place. There are no distances as you can talk to any person for any amount of time with your headphone without spending a penny.

And it sure is a funny, creapy, interesting , sexy, lonelly, hot, racist, religious, sporty, dog eat dog world out there. You get all types of people, the frustrated house wife who is willing to spell out in detail her not so functioning sex life, the cyber businessman offering to teach you to make that illusive million dollars, the beauty queen who finally turns out to be a grandma with a rotten smile, pot smokers willing to share their halucinations, the ever correcting regious freak tripping on new found wisdom, your local next door girl willing to find you a real life match in marriage,Chinese girls with their proper demeanour out to study English, the online whore who can scream moans with accurate precision.......... They are all there cybered ready if you can get or find them. In all this, like flowers in the dirt, you do meet that rare genuine person.

Come and meet me, i am there sometimes all dressed in my best cyber wear out for a good time.......


Blogger nin9 se7en said...

Sounds like you are meeting the "world" in skype. Have fun Godsfly..

Tuesday, 23 May, 2006  

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